97: Making the World More Loving and Compassionate with Dr. Dan Peters

How would you like to see the world becoming a more loving, caring, and sensitive place? Today we are very happy to have  Dr. Dan Peters, a really warm-hearted humanitarian, with us on the show. Dr. Dan has a  rich history of achievements throughout his life and he is driven to help others achieve as much as possible in their lives too! He is a co-founder of Parent Footprints, an online, interactive, parent training community, with their goal to make the world a more loving and compassionate place- one parent and one child at a time. Aurora first met Dr. Dan at a SENG (Supporting the Emotional Needs of the Gifted) conference a few years ago. She later started following his Summit Center newsletter, and then more recently, his Parent Footprint podcast. Listen in to find out what he has to share on the show today.

Dr. Dan is a licensed psychologist and the co-founder and executive director of The Summit Centre, which specializes in the assessment and treatment of children, adolescents, and families, with a special emphasis on gifted and twice-exceptional individuals. He has authored the Make Your Worrier A Warrior series and has also co-authored Raising Creative Kids. He is a frequent contributor to both the Huffington Post and Psychology Today. Dr. Dan won an award at the SENG conference this past summer. Listen in today, to find out more!

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More in this episode:

  • Dan explains what he is intensely passionate about.
  • What Dr. Dan’s own, personal brand of intensity is like, for him.
  • How his intensity affected him while growing up.
  • Talking with kids about their superpowers.
  • Some cultural factors that could have affected his expression.
  • The times that Dr.Dan needs to tone himself down or tune himself out.
  • A time that Dr. Dan’s intense sensitivity felt really out of control.
  • The way that he uses his fire for good.
  • Always having his goal in mind.
  • Dan’s strengths and challenges in his executive functioning.
  • The best advice that Dr. Dan ever received.
  • Some personal habits that help Dr. Dan to use his fire in a positive way.
  • The books that have had the most influence on him.
  • How Dr. Dan helps others to use their fire.


Books mentioned in the show:

Make Your Worrier A Warrior series by Dr. Dan Peters

Raising Creative Kids by Daniel Peters and Susan Daniels

The Road Less Traveled by M. Scott Peck

The Celestine Prophecy by James Redfield

The Way of the Peaceful Warrior by Dan Millman

The Power of Now by Eckhardt Tolle

I Can See Clearly Now by Wayne Dwyer


Dr. Dan’s website: Dr. Dan Peters

Parent Footprint website: Parent Footprint

Summit Center website: Summit Center

Have the courage to live in the direction of your calling. ~ Dr. Dan Peters
Making the world more loving and compassionate with Dr. Dan Peters
See the possibilities! With Dr. Dan Peters